Enjoy A Sweet Evening!

The preschoolers just came by my office all dressed up in their Halloween costumes!  The air is tingling with a mixture of excitement as the primary children anticipate the carnival, and joyful remembrance as the intermediate students partake in Dia de los Muertos.

Thank you for your participation in the conferences.  We look forward to seeing many more families on Friday, November 8, between 8:00am and 3:00pm.

Tomorrow is All Saints Day. Traditionally, All Saints Day observances tend to focus on known saints – those recognized in the Canon of the Saints by the Catholic Church.  However, Mrs. Jessup–one of our first grade teachers–always reminds us that we are all saints in the making.  We practice by doing Jesus’ work here on earth, being kind to one another, acting for the common good and praying.  The All School Mass will be at 9:00am, and you are all welcome to pray and sing with us.  Remember to have students wear Dress Uniform.

The State of the Parish will be presented at all three Masses this weekend.  Attendance at Mass and at the State of the Parish is part of your parish commitment.  Come and pray with your community and hear how much our parish supports us.  It will be a treat!

God bless,
Bernadette O’Leary