
It is raining, the skies are gray, but our classrooms radiate joy.  The students’ good natures and the flowers you gifted us brighten up these damp, dreary days!  Purple and Gold Day was certainly bright!  School spirit lit up the campus.  Thank you to all the volunteers who made Purple and Gold Day lunch so much fun.  The eighth-grade students organized and presented an afternoon of games and entertainment, which everyone enjoyed.  The first-grade dance was a huge hit!  The eighth-grade students beat the teachers at volleyball, basketball, and the tug-of-war, and that was also a huge hit!

School is back to normal now.  It is hard to believe that we are just over halfway through the school year.  Midterm progress reports for students in grades 3-8 were sent home today.  I know I have said this before, but I will reiterate it:  take the time to review the report and celebrate the good news.  Then discuss goals with your child.  Consider SMART goals – specific, measurable, achievable/attainable, relevant, and timely.  Also, make these goals fun.  For example, if a student is advised to read more, think about a family reading time – we will all read together for fifteen minutes each evening, and at the end of the month, we will celebrate with a visit to the library/bookstore followed by hot chocolate treats.

Speaking of treats, many were enjoyed at the All School Open House, and I am sure many will be enjoyed at the Sweetheart Dance and after the basketball games this weekend.  Good luck to the teams in the championships. Thank you to Jonna Skokan, Julie Lee, Parent Association, the coaches, and the many, many volunteers who gift our school with their endless support.  Your commitment to Fair Share makes our community that much stronger.  I would also like to give a HUGE SHOUT OUT to the playground volunteers!  The faculty and staff greatly appreciate your gifts of time, patience, and perseverance to St. John, especially on those rainy days – you bring us sunshine on a daily basis.

It was great to see so many current parents and those parents looking forward to joining our family at the State of the School on Tuesday and this morning.  I will see the rest of you soon.

God bless,

Bernadette O’Leary