Community News

During the summer, J.K Rowling released a new book online in weekly increments called The Ickabog.  Part of that release was an illustration contest for children ages 7-12, and 34 winning drawings were selected to be included in the published book, which was released in November.  St. John student, Abbey S., had her drawing selected for the U.S. and Canadian publication!  The winning illustrations and information about the book and contest can be found here:  Abbey’s illustration is the first in row seven.

One of the prizes was a $650 donation of books to Abbey’s choice of school or library.  Abbey chose to donate to the St. John school library, and the books arrived last week.  Abbey opened her boxes of donated books and signed her illustration in the St. John’s copy of The Ickabog.  Congratulations, Abbey, and thank you for your thoughtfulness!