Principal’s Letter
During May, we continue to celebrate Mary, our heavenly Mother. We ask her to look out for us, to help us to grow in awareness and appreciation of each individual and of our uniqueness.
I see this growth and awareness everywhere on campus. I joined Ms. Murray’s kindergartners as they earnestly prayed the Our Father this morning. On the playground, I watched the students as they proudly paraded and hung their koi kites. In the second grade, I noted geometric ‘robots’ that the students created as they learned geometry. Students from preschool to middle school seem joyful as they check in each day! I am constantly reminded that, here at St. John, we are blessed to have such a supportive and committed community of teachers, students and parents.
Because of the support of our generous community, we exceeded our fundraising goal for the American Heart Association! Tomorrow after school, thirty-five of our students will be “sliming” our P.E. teachers. These students were our top fundraisers. Ms. Tsagalakis is at home this evening mixing up the slime! Thank you parents and teachers for your support of this worthy fundraiser.
Thank you to everyone for acting for the common good by wearing masks and remaining vigilant. Despite new issuance from the CDC regarding mask-wearing, we request that you continue to wear a mask while on campus. We are hopeful as vaccinations continue. Bishop Blanchet High School is hosting a clinic next Wednesday afternoon for 12-15 year-olds. In order to accommodate student vaccinations, Middle School MAP testing has been moved to the mornings of Tuesday, May 18, and Wednesday, May 19. Students should have a good breakfast and come to school with a fully charged device. If your child does not feel well after being vaccinated, let them have a sick day. Do not make them log into Zoom!
As we celebrate the many events in May, please take time to recognize Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month. With the unprecedented surge in hate crimes against Asian Americans, it is vital that we take this time to honor the AAPI cultures that have enriched our country. Hand in hand with celebrating Asian Americans and their contributions, we must also stand with our brothers and sisters in solidarity. For more information, including online events, discussions, history, please visit the Asian Pacific American Heritage site. Ms. Rzegocki and several families have also curated resources to help families understand the Asian American Pacific Islander experiences.
You may have noticed the bright and beautiful koi that are “swimming” gracefully in the wind. Thanks to Mrs. Kay Jang, art teacher, our students created colorful pieces for this installation. In some Asian cultures, koi represent luck and love, and they are also associated with perseverance in adversity and strength of purpose. How fitting it is to close the school year with this reminder of our community’s perseverance and strength.
Enjoy the beautiful weather. Together We Can!
Bernadette O’Leary