
Thank You, St. John!

Thank you for giving A Novel Soiree a fairytale ending! The St. John community came out to support the auction in force. Thank you for everything you did to make this event a success. Whether you donated an item, provided a dessert, volunteered at the event, or raised that bid card high, we could not have put on this event without you. 

The giving isn’t quite over yet: you still have the opportunity to purchase 8th Grade Wines Glasses or sponsor students for “Skipping School for Sundaes.” Purchases must be completed by Sunday, March 24. Order either or both via the link to the Miscellaneous Payments form (select “Other” and note “8th Grade Wine Glass – Student Name” – $20 per glass, or “Skipping School for Sundaes” – $10 each).

I said it at the event, and I’ll say it again here: the Auction Team works exceptionally hard to make this event a reality because St. John School is the best. The teachers and staff love our students and support their growth daily. Parents, caregivers, and parish members support each other and the school. Events like this help to ensure the magic that is St. John continues for years to come. Don’t let our story end with a cliffhanger! Help top off our Fund-a-Need efforts and complete the Officer Jackson Lone Playground renovations.

Thank You, Sponsors!

Pulitzer Prize
Fremont Dock Co.

Newbery Medal
Armata Construction Services
RHR Real Estate
Valley & Company Events

Caldecott Medal
Animal Surgical & Orthopedic Center
AS-Built Studio, Architecture & Design
Aspire Capital Advisors
Barnhart Crane & Rigging
California Giant
Evans Insurance Agency
Gourmondo Co.
Greenwood Ohlund
GPT Greenwood Physical Therapy
Osborne Northwest Public Relations
Smile Ballard
Western Ventures Construction

Edgar Award
Aurora Plumbing
Built Square
Broderick Architecture
Gattis, Stewart, & Associates
Greenwood Hardware
Maverick Specialty Contracting
Quigley Group, Compass