Principal’s Letter

Be Firm in the Faith

Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed. John 20:29

Jesus reveals his love for us in many ways. We open our hearts to receive it and pass it on. This morning, Mrs. Ocampo showed me a card filled with messages for the third graders from the residents of a retirement home who had received cards from her students. The simple act of reaching out created so much joy. Thank you, Mrs. Ocampo, for encouraging students to care for others. I also listened to seventh graders present their proposals about raising funds and donations for Mary’s Place. 

The Kids Heart Challenge allows us to open our hearts and support the American Heart Association. The kick-off assembly will be tomorrow morning. A huge shout-out to our very own alumna, Mili Gentzkow, who is being honored as this year’s Teen of Impact for the American Heart Association Puget Sound.

We are looking forward to Seattle Opera’s performance next week. Thank you to parent, Melissa Riddington, for bringing us this opportunity and to Mrs. Villanueva for her assistance.

Progress reports for students in grades 3-8 were sent home today. If your children haven’t shared them with you, check their backpacks. We are halfway through this final trimester. Discuss with your children about putting forth their best efforts and finishing like champions! You are probably starting to think about summer academic enrichment for your children. Last summer the school did provide Summer Solution workbooks as part of a grant we received. We did not receive the same funding this year. If you wish to continue with Summer Solutions in your home, purchase now.

You also have homework. Please pay close attention to the Emergency Communication Plan post. The school has been working with Highlander Six all year, reviewing and updating all safety protocols and drills. In the event of an emergency, we will follow this communication plan.

Family Mass and movie night is this Saturday, April 20. In true community spirit, gather for prayer, pizza and a movie. Sign up here.

The moving-on celebrations are drawing closer. Fr. Crispin’s goodbye will take place after school is out, so put June 30 on your calendar now!

Be safe, God bless,

Bernadette O’Leary