Community News

NCLL District 8 Champs! Congratulations to St. John students Ben G., Micah H., Shea J., Harper K. and Sam U.! These five students were on the NCLL All-Star Baseball team this summer that won the District 8 tournament. It was the first time since

Parish News

Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast, September 15 Children's Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) CLOW (Children’s Liturgy of the Word) will continue with sessions planned for September 8 and 15. Volunteers, age 14 or older, are

Principal’s Letter: Welcome back!

Welcome to the 2024-25 school year. It was lovely seeing you all today at the drop-in! The building was buzzing with energy and smiles, just how I like it. This year presents us with many changes. You have a new principal, our Parish has a new

Dates to Note

The comprehensive calendar is available here. A printable Key Dates, Calendar for 2024-2025 is available here. (The Key Dates Calendar includes holidays, conferences, major events, enrollment deadlines and XDC but

Back to School BBQ 2024

We invite the St. John School community to celebrate the start of the school year! Feel free to bring your lawn chairs or blankets for communal seating. We always have a huge turnout for this event; please help make it fun and successful

September Hot Lunch – Order Now!

Chef Stephanie and the Kitchen Crew – David Benefiel, Darcy Dixon, Joe Kearney and Josh Gilbert – are excited to get into the kitchen and cook delicious lunches for our students. Check out the first menu of the new academic year, which includes