Scrip – Don’t Forget Us Over Summer!

Don’t forget to use Scrip during the summer!  You still eat, you still drive, you might stay in hotels – you still need Scrip! During the summer, email us at and we will make it happen! We will also be selling Scrip most 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month at Coffee & Donuts after Mass, and will sell at Uniform Day on July 27, 5pm in the courtyard.  

Purchasing Scrip is part of your Fair Share commitment to St. John School.  For the 2015/2016 school year, families purchasing Scrip added over $50,000 to the school operating budget, supporting teaching assistants, instructional programs, specialists, and much more.

Thank you for your continued support!  Scrip – the easiest fundraiser – raise funds for St. John while shopping at the same places you already shop!