It’s Auction Time!
Tomorrow evening we step out in style at the Totally Awesome 80’s Prom! The auction team, under the direction of Events Coordinator Julie Skinner and Auction Chair Karen Bombino, have prepared for us an absolutely fabulous evening! Make sure you stop by the east hallway to see the totally awesome furniture that will not take our classrooms back to the 80’s but bring them forward into the 21st century. Imagine your child on one of the stools or studying with a group in the learning pod. Raise your paddles for Fund-A-Need tomorrow and help us fit the furniture to the learners! And speaking of bidding, how is your online bidding going? The excitement is growing as we compete for our coveted items! Good luck – and remember all those dollars benefit all your children!
On Monday, we will gather to say the Rosary to celebrate May in honor of Our Lady, Mother of God. You are all welcome to join us at 9am. Students are to wear their dress uniforms and are encouraged to bring one flower to lay at the base of Mary’s statue in the Church.
We are saddened by the loss of two people important to our community this week. Mr. Shanahan, Mrs. Merrick Bodmer’s father passed away on Monday after an illness. Fr. Narciso, the pastor of our Sister Parish in Perú died tragically in an automobile accident on his way home from Bolivia. Please remember them in your prayers, as well as their families and communities.
May will be a busy month! The Middle School will head on their overnight trips to Environmental Science Camp, the tour of Washington State and the Washington, D.C. trip, and many classes have their day trips. We have concerts and auction parties! We begin MAP testing on May 1. Classes will test at different times throughout the month, so check your children’s teachers’ schedules.
I want to take a moment to look back and thank you for your support and participation on Good Friday. During the day as we made efforts to sacrifice and unplug, we realized how dependent we have become on our technology. The students demonstrated such reverence as they left the church following the Stations of the Cross and you helped them to remain silent as they left school. We are grateful to you for helping us maintain a faith tradition of turning our minds to Christ as He died for us.
Each Monday, we call out Soaring Eagle awardees. Throughout the week, teachers nominate students who are showing that they are Christ-centered, who are active learners, and those who show they are being empowered disciples. They receive cards and they put them into the jar in the office. On Monday morning at prayer and announcement time, we draw three or four cards from the jar and announce the names over the intercom. Those students receive Soaring Eagle Award pins. Our students are earning quite a few awards every week and I am so proud of them! This week, I will have to order more pins, and we have another huge batch of cards to string and hang up around the school. Our students are practicing their SLEs!
One final note, the school issued a “stay put” today at approximately 2:47pm. A suspicious individual was observed in the school courtyard behaving erratically. The individual exited the campus and proceeded south on Greenwood Avenue. The “stay put” was lifted at 2:53pm. Law enforcement was notified.
Bernadette O’Leary, Principal