
fr. crispin

Teaching religion is a curriculum priority, as is integrating religion into the day-to-day activities of the school.

St John School faculty lead students to an understanding of Catholic principles and virtues and guides students to engage in a personal relationship with God. Christian values and moral teachings, passed on through the Catholic faith are the foundation of all programs. St. John builds a faith based community rooted in the Gospel of Christ and His command to love one another.

Students in grades Kindergarten-Eight benefit from an outcome based religious education program centered on three core strands: Seeing as a Catholic, Celebrating as a Catholic, and Living as a Catholic.

The doctrines of the Catholic faith presented at every grade level in an age-appropriate manner.

Lessons are designed to help young people experience and develop their Catholic identity, integrate their Catholic values into their daily lives, and express their Catholic beliefs, and know the teachings of the Catholic faith.

Students actively participate in liturgies, reconciliation, and assist in the planning of class liturgies, the Rosary, and the Stations of the Cross. Students from all grade levels participate in school liturgies throughout the year by singing, lectoring, as altar servers, writing prayers of intercessions, bearing gifts, and other ways.

“The religion classes challenge them beyond themselves…..there is a spirituality and grounding they get……a focus on kindness and compassion for fellow students and their community.”    —8th Grade Parent